Your surgical procedure may involve separate charges. Some of the companies you may receive charges from include:

  1. Bon Air Surgery Center
  2. Your anesthesiologist
  3. The office of your surgeon – the fee for performing surgery
  4. Your pathologist –  if there are services involving tissue specimens removed during surgery that require further examination
  5. Home health care service

Payment in full is due within 30 days of the date of your procedure. Contact your insurer if there are any delays. You are the responsible party for payments on your account, so be aware of policy restrictions and details. Call or contact us if you have any questions.

It is the policy of Bon Air to turn over all delinquent accounts to collections. You will be responsible for all collection fees.

Notice to Patients

At Bon Air Surgery Center, we share your concern for safety in health care.

Our staff and personnel have a commitment to providing the best care for you and your family. We ask your assistance in helping our care meet your needs. If our care does not, please let us know how we can improve.

If you have questions, concerns or comments, call and speak to a member of our management team by calling 415-925-1030.

If we do not resolve things to your satisfaction, you may contact the state licensing agency:


  • California Department of Public Health Center for Health Care Quality (CHCQ)
    Licensing and Certification Division
    P.O. BOX 997377 MS 3000
    Sacramento, CA 95899
    Complaints: 800-236-9747
    General Information: 916-558-1784
  • Medicare
    Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman: